kingsleyfox replied to the topic What's your current record cleaning routine/approach? in the forum Record Care Chat 8 months, 3 weeks ago
I thought that I would post this info, even though it is mostly a re-hash of my reply to the posts on the stylus residue questions.
For cleaning second hand records that I acquire I have settled on a homemade solution of 5% Iso-Propyl Alcohol, 95% Demineralised water with a few drops of Ilfotol (a wetting agent made by Ilford primarily for use during film development) which I use in a…Read More
kingsleyfox replied to the topic stylus residue after cleaning in the forum Record Care Chat 9 months, 2 weeks ago
I experienced the build up of debris on my stylus when I first used my Knosti. However, through experimentation I found that the stylus debris problem was associated with the supplied Knosti cleaning solution. I have settled on a homemade solution of 5% Iso-Propyl Alcohol, 95% Demineralised water with a few drops of Ilfotol (a wetting agent made by Ilford primarily for use during film…Read More -
kingsleyfox changed their profile picture 10 months ago
kingsleyfox replied to the topic What stylus are you currently using? in the forum Gear Chat 10 months ago
I am a bit of a vinyl addict and currently have 17 turntables (15 of which are fully operational). This means that I have a large number of cartridges (more than one per deck!).
I use the Audio Technic ATVM95 range of MM cartridges extensively, mainly due to the general quality and the flexibility of having a range of five interchangeable styli. This allows me to use the bonded elliptical…Read More