I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new Podcast by Sound Matters called The Spindle. Having grown the Sound Matters website over the last few years to a platform attracting over 30,000 visitors a month, it is high time we diversified our content offering.

Let’s face it, some folks don’t like reading—others simply don’t have the time—and while great articles will still form the basis of what Sound Matters do, the introduction of a new Podcast will help us serve a wider audience.
What can I expect?
The Spindle is a podcast for vinyl enthusiasts, so in much the same way as you’ve come to expect at the Sound Matters website, you’ll receive podcast content centered around ‘the best tips tricks, and features to enhance your love of music on vinyl’.
The show is hosted by me, Marc Henshall – the owner of Sound Matters, and will take place as a mixture of solo show content and interview features.
To start with, I’ve uploaded the first two episodes: The first is an introduction episode, and the second is a feature on ‘how to clean vinyl records‘ (one of our most popular topics with readers).
I hope you enjoy the first couple of episodes. If you have any requests or suggestions about future content and guests, please do let us know in the comments below. Alternatively, you can contact me via email.
How to Subscribe
If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll continue to receive updates whenever there’s a new episode. If you use a podcast player, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher, you can subscribe via whichever platform you prefer.
For more info, visit The Spindle Podcast page linked here.
About Sound Matters
Sound Matters is an online platform for vinyl enthusiasts, much like an online magazine. The audience is a mix of record fans from across the globe, with most hailing from the United States and the UK, closely followed by Canada and Australia. I am based in the UK (as you’ll hear from my accent), but we’re very much a global community.
‘The best tips, tricks, and features to enhance your love of music on vinyl’ is our mantra. Second to this, the content must be ‘accessible’. Meaning it has to be easy to understand at all levels. So while we do touch on some of the technical aspects of the vinyl hobby, we’ll always attempt to keep the techy mumbo-jumbo to a minimum. I believe this is important, as we’re not scientists, and at the end of the day, it’s the music we’re talking about – it should remain fun.
Show Notes for episode two – ‘How to Clean Vinyl Records’
Tools mentioned:
Audio Quest Carbon Fiber Record Brush
Spin Clean Record Washer
Pro-Ject VC-S2 Alu
GrooveWasher Record Cleaning Fluid
Note: You can also purchase GrooveWasher directly from their website using the code: SOUNDMATTERS10 to receive 10% off your order.
Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machine
Ultrasonic Adaptors