Vinyl Record Dimensions: A Complete Guide

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl2 Comments

Understanding the different dimensions of vinyl record covers is important if you want to store your records safely, or display them creatively in your home.  Knowing the right dimensions can help you choose the right record storage, account for thicker gatefold album covers, or even design your own album cover if you happen to be working with a band or … Read More

Phono vs Line: What’s the Difference? – Vinyl 101

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Vinyl 10113 Comments

The terms “phono” and “line” are often misunderstood, particularly by new record collectors. Understandably, phono inputs can confuse music enthusiasts as they use the same RCA connectors as the inputs and outputs labels as “line” or “aux” on turntables and amplifiers. So what’s the difference between phono and line signals?  Fortunately, it’s easy to boil this question down to a … Read More

Turntable vs Record Player – What’s the Difference?

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Vinyl 1013 Comments

So you’ve decided to get into vinyl records. Great! In our humble opinion, music on vinyl is the most rewarding listening experience of all. But should you buy a turntable or a record player? The two terms are often used interchangeably, which often causes confusion for those just starting out with their record collection. So what’s the difference between a … Read More

Can You Store Records Flat: Horizontal vs Vertical

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Record StorageLeave a Comment

When storing your vinyl records, it can be tempting to stack them in horizontal piles. This could be to save space, or perhaps you just like the idea of a convenient stack somewhere near your turntable.  There are several different reasons why you shouldn’t store records horizontally and why it’s better for the longevity of your collection to store them … Read More

How to Balance a Tonearm & Set Turntable Tracking Force

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Vinyl 1019 Comments

Adjusting your tonearm tracking force is one of the most important aspects of setting up your turntable. You need to apply the correct amount of downward pressure so the stylus can accurately track your records. Failing to set this correctly can result in poor sound quality, or worse, damaged records.  If you’ve just purchased a turntable, there’s a good chance … Read More